Sunday, February 26, 2012

Entry 1

     The benefits of nuclear power outweigh the consequences. To begin with, nuclear energy is one of the few clean, environment friendly sources of energy we know of. Unlike coal and other fossil fuels, nuclear power harnesses energy without emitting greenhouse gases(3) that substantially harm the ozone layer and pollute the air we rely on. In fact, fossil fuel power plants created "2.2 billion tons of carbon dioxide"(2) just in the year 1999, which can be reduced greatly by nuclear power. In addition, as oppose to wind and solar power, nuclear energy does not require a vast area of land in order to function.

     Moreover, nuclear energy is also very strictly monitored by safety measures. The nuclear generator assembly is layered with a zirconium alloy and controlled by "20 control rods"(1) which can typically stop a nuclear accident. Then the cover on the nuclear core protects from emissions of radiation. Followed by the structure of the nuclear plant which is built to tolerate many natural disasters such as hurricanes, earthquakes, and tsunamis. Accidents that occurred in Chernobyl and the Three Mile Island are theoretically "impossible" under such safety measures.
